Eight-Constitution Medicine

When I had all my stomach stuff going on 5-6 years ago I was introduced to this Medicine..and it changed my life. For real.

I will link the article so that you can read and explore more for yourself, but I will also explain my experience with it.

The Medicine is based on the idea that each person belongs to one of eight constitutions and each constitution has a certain order of organs and when these are all in a balanced state the body will perform at its best. To maintain this balance certain food and other recommendations have been made. It was founded by Dr. Dowon Kuon, and since its inception has cured many diseases and ailments.

When I went to get my constitution diagnosed the practitioner explained the food aspect of it to me like this. He said, “there is bad food, and there is the wrong food”, meaning that we all know what is bad for us (too much sugar, highly processed foods), but there is also the wrong food. The wrong foods are those that are not good for our specific constitution and eating them will create disfunction in our organs, for me some of these foods are green and leafy vegetables and fish. Once you know what your body needs and you nourish it with those foods and activities, it will function at its very best, making you feel great and preventing you from getting sick. That makes more sense to me than anything I’ve ever heard.

I could talk about this for a long time, but I will let you read the article and decide what you think about it all.

While, I currently am trying to learn how to do the pulse diagnosis, I have studied and examined many ways to understand the constitution through other means. There are similar forms of medicine in Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and many other cultures, and I believe if they all have this core idea in common, that each person is different and you can help them based on their specific constitution, then it must be very real.




Eight Constitution Medicine: An Overview by Dr. Dowon Kuon